Life time extension
The maximum operating time of 20 years of your turbine is almoste reached? According to the most advanced methods we check whether the lifetime of your wind turbine can be extended. For this purpose, we carry out all calculations required by the authorities. In addition, we inspect your system and thus guarantee its stability.

The simulation of a wind turbine is the basis of further developments. The right assumptions at this point in time are decisive for the successful course of the project. We offer you to calculate the loads of wind turbines, provide you with the right software or optimize the controler of your system.

Correct planning of your project determines its success. We support you in designing your wind turbine. With our expertise you find the right balance between rotor diameter, power and tower height for a successful product.

We develop components for your wind turbine. The development covers the planning, design and calculation. Both for fiber composite components as well as steel or cast components we calculate extreme and fatigue properties.

Expert opinion and consulting
If damage should occur to your wind turbine or if you otherwise wish to draw on technical expertise, we will be happy to assist you.
We can advise you from the technical side and support you in communicating with the turbine manufacturer.
In addition, we can perform detailed calculations of the damage and provide expert opinions on this matter.

Both new and existing wind turbines can be acoustically optimized. Especially for existing plants, an adequate solution must often be found very quickly. We offer both, the measurement and the optimization of the wind turbines. We propose optimization strategies and also equip complete wind turbines with customized serrations.

The rotor blade connection poses great challenges to technology. In addition to the available T-bolt and bushing solutions, we offer an alternative rotor blade connection concept that combines the advantages of both previous concepts.